President Duterte wants to Revive the Death Penalty

President Duterte wants to revive the capital punishment by lethal injection

President Rodrigo Duterte wished to revive capital punishment to stop the shabu problem in the Philippines.

During his fifth State of the Nation Address (SONA), Duterte urged Congress to pass the revival of lethal injection in the nation. “I reiterate the swift passage of a law providing the death penalty by deadly injection for crimes specified the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002,” said Duterte.

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When no one clapped inside the Batasan Pambansa, Duterte quipped that the lawmakers might not interested in his proposal.

After noticing that nobody clapped, the lawmakers started to applause. The President then explained the problem of shabu in the country. Duterte requested why that shabu trade was still being achieved inside the national penitentiary like what’s happening to other countries like Colombia and Mexico. The President also defined how a family can be destroyed if one of their members got hooked by shabu.

When the family starts to crumble, there’s no more home. The wife will look for another husband or for a job, usually sa abroad. Ang mga anak, iniiwan sa kapitbahay o kapatid,” Duterte said. Capital punishment in the nation was ended in 2006 and the inmates who were initially lined up to lethal injection were commuted to life imprisonment. In 2016, President Duterte made the revival of capital punishment as one of his campaign promises. Duterte originally supported capital punishment by hanging.

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s 5th State of the Nation Address

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivers his 5th State of the Nation Address (SONA) at the Joint Session of the 18th Congress on July 27, 2020.The Chief Executive fulfills his annual constitutional obligation amid the global health crisis brought by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Several time-honored practices and protocols usually observed in the SONA have been set aside to ensure the safety of everyone.#DuterteSONA2020#WeRiseAsOne#HealAsOne#2020DuterteVision#DuterteLegacy#ComfortableLifeForAll#PartnerForChangePresidential Communications (Government of the Philippines)さんの投稿 2020年7月26日日曜日

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